Welcome to Ollie's A Fan

Ever wonder what a random dog you never heard of is a fan of? Well wonder no more.

Ollie sitting on the couch wearing his sunglasses

Who is Ollie and why are you on this page?

Ollie is a 12 year old three-legged dog who felt it was neccessary for the world to know what he's a fan. I've known him for 5 years and, to be honest, I have a feeling it is going to be just food and sleep.

He might surprise me... but this is probably an elaborate ruse to get sent treats.

Your reasons for being here are between you and your God.

Fun Facts About Ollie... That he provided... So I don't think are true.

Ollie Loves Hats

Ollie loves hats. He totally wears them all the time and isn't just saying this in the hope you give him treats.

Ollie Thinks You Are The Best Human

Yes. You.

He doesn't know who you are and never meet you but he has a sneaking suspicion you have a sandwich on you and so is willing to start a new life with you.

Ollie Was A Rockstar in the 90s

Ollie was in a Rockband called Pawaysis. The human tribute act was more famous. It was a reverse Dogtanian situtation. Their hits included Wonderpaw, (Don't Look) Barking Anger and Morning Grrrrrrrrrry.

Hopefully other pages on the site can provide some evidence of these.

Want to Know More About Ollie?

Even if just to make sense of the nonsense he just spouted.

Even Ollie is logging on check.

Explore the rest of the site for more.